38th Week Appointment...
Alright I forgot to fill everyone in on what the Doctor said on Tuesday!
I only gained half a pound- which is a dramatic change from previous appointments!
Pressley's Heart Rate was at 140 BPM and while she was getting her heart rate I was having a contraction--- little did I know it though! ;o)
We were told that Pressley has already got her head down in the pelvic area and that although we may not deliver early she is ready to go and will continue to drop as the weeks progress! HOW EXCITING! Dustin and I have both notice my belly dropping over the last couple of days but its not been to drastic.
We will begin putting her room together sometime by the end of this week. Dustin is going to build a bed out of some wood that he cut down out of our woods... Chance will have himself a little bunk bed... Lets just hope Dustin doesn't go "Tim-the-tool-man-Taylor" on me and try to "rig" it up with all these neat little things. Simple is the key! ;oP
Thanks to Dustin's parents, my in-laws, Macky & Sharron for their sweet gift. They purchased Pressley's Crib.
37th Week Appointment
Well, lets just say todays appointment was a LONG appointment... boy was I irratated! After waiting to see the doctor for an hour and a half, Pressley's HR is down to 140 BPM and I am 1 cm dialated and still 50% effaced. However- mommies blood pressure was a little high! LoL! I was so frustrated at the fact that I had to wait that long! If it happens again I believe I will just get up and walk out! PHEW!
So this morning, I was doing my hair when I had about 1/4 cup of fluid come down... Not sure exaclty what it was but it stopped, I called the Doctors and they said if it continues to come on in. Luckily, it didn't so Dustin and I were able to go to Waynesville with Mom & Dad. I am so really for her to be here its not funny! Dustin is packing his bag tonight, and getting it in the car. I've got all mine & Pressley's stuff ready to go! YAY 13 days till her actual due date... although she'll be born this week... I just know it!
We went to meet Pressley's pediatrician today! His name was Dr. Chu- he kinda reminds me of my brother-in-law, Bill... He was very informative and Dustin and I both really liked him... Hopefully "the princess" will like him too! We got the referral from my OB-GYN that they were a "Christian" practice- Dustin like the fact that we will have doctors that have similar beleifs...
36 Week Appointment
ok- today was our first appointment where we found out effacement & things l like that... I was kinda nervous! Thank God Dustin will be able to go with me to it! I didn't gain any weight! YAY! I am about 10% effaced. Pressley is about 5.5lbs- and we are both very healthy... only 4 more weeks till we are full term... we can't wait! YAY!
OH YES! and we are meeting Maggie on Saturday night (she taught our Child Birthing Class) we are going to discuss with her about being our Doula! HOW FUN!
Dustin and I have the wonderful opportunity to work with Maggie as our Doula during labor/delivery of Pressley! Maggie is one of the nurses at our Doctors office and also teaches the childbirth class that Dustin and I attended. During our first class, Maggie mentioned that she is also working to earn her Doula Certification and needed 1 more couple (I think...?) in order to complete it! I had wanted the help of a doula since early pregnancy but wasn't sure the cost involved with something like that so we pushed the idea aside. We approached her the 2nd class we had and asked her if she would be our Doula, she said that we both should pray about it, as would she.
We met with her and her husband over dinner tonight and discussed our birth plan. We are SO VERY blessed to have her on "Team Pressley" She is a believer also which makes our bond seem even tighter.
Dustin and I have truely had an answer to prayer! THANK YOU GOD!