Baby Meredith

February 22, 2008 at 09:36 PM EST
Catherine Wagner wrote: My encouragment for Beth, Chris, Meredith and Tyler today was: Psalms 27:13 I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. We have not yet seen the Lord's answer to our prayers, bue we are confident we will and that the Lord will sustain them in this time. Today was a good day for Meredith and her family. She opened her eyes just a little. We are not sure she is awake, but we got some pictures of the moment. Beth read some of the cards she received from friends and famly and while she was reading the cards, Meredith opened her eyes halfway. God gives us blessings through this difficult time, and we are thankful for this small blessing. Beth also found out today that Duke is putting the hospital on "lock down" regarding visitors. They are no longer going to let anyone back to see Meredith but Beth, Chris and their parents. They are even asking for visitors not to come to sit in the waiting room. The flu epidemic is the worst Duke hospital has seen in four years, and the CDC is trying to contol the spread to the patients. So, until they lift the restrictions (at least the next week or so) we ask that you send emails and pray. I am sure you will see on the news about this need to protect the patients at Duke. As I spend time with Beth, I see how amazing her strength to Trust God remains. I know that God is faithful to Beth and Chris because of all of our prayers. Please continue to lift them up in prayer, for God's strength and peace. I am also praying for God to show Himself in specific ways each day to help them Hold fast to their God in their time of need. I added a few pictures of the exciting moments of seeing Meredith's blue eyes. Tyler is doing well and spending most of his time in the room in the Ronald McDonald House. He is still so small and the Dr's is concerned for him to be exposed to any sickness. He had a good report from his Dr. today, and Beth is just working hard to help him gain weight. You all mean so much, and I pray you can continue to join me in prayer and fasting for this family. I believe they need it more than ever before. Sincerely, Catherine Wagner