gym icon

So after 5 months of having a YMCA membership, I have finally got my stuff together (and it made it to the car with me) so I will be going to the gym after work today! I am supposed to keep my heart rate low and all so I'm not going to over excert myself, but I figured I could do the treadmill & stair stepper... but this just hit me, I FORGOT MY IPOD! How am I supposed to work out with out music! AHHH! maybe I can read? :)

Old news.

some more old news... laced in with some new news! :) :) :)


  • prissy is military crawling now!
  • she loves to get the dog bone, and when I move it, Couper brings it right back to her!
  • she has 2 teeth.


  • She is pulling up onto her feet trying to get things on the couch. So Strong!
  • We had to lower her crib because of the above... we didn't want her flipping out!
  • She got her first sunburn this weekend... yes I know, BAD mommy... not really... just NEW MOMMY! :) give me a break!
  • I got a "spot bot" to clean up her little messes! YAY FUN!

Can't Remember

Well, If you look back, WAAAAAAAAAAY BACK, you'll find a post from when I was preggers with Pressley about forgetfulness and how it is linked to Pregnancy! But this time I am thinking, I can't remember what I've said and what I haven't said so... If I repeat myself, get over it! :)

I had my 13th week appointment last week, Peanuts heart rate is 150BPM which is 10 BPM less than Presley's was. Terrie (Mid-wife) said that has nothing to do with the sex of the baby so don't even try and consider it! Ha! Everything else looked good, although I am having what the Dr.'s call spotting, its more like a full blown cycle. No Fun! Please pray for me about that! If you look at the last ultrasound, there is a pretty good size bubble of ... the vanishing twin that you can see is in the uterus with Peanut, but it will not effect anything negatively. So we go again around 15.5 weeks and meet with the Mid-wife again to go over, Birthing, Breastfeeding, and other fun items...

Dustin and I were thinking of going ahead and getting a 4-D ultrasound done around the 17/18 week instead of waiting until the 21st week like our Dr's do at Grace. I am really excited to find out what this baby is! Although before I had thought it was a BOY, now I am not sure... my hormones could be all out of whack because of the vanishing twin and thus having the extreme tiredness and nausea. So, maybe we will have another girl... CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

Onto another fun topic, pain meds... should I try again to do natural or should I just get the Epidural the second my feet hit the L&D room? that is something I am struggling with....
Here is what I'm thinking, I would love the rest that the epidural gives you before you get slapped in the face with being up all night with a new born, but at the same time... I just don't know. As painful as birthing was until I got the epidural, it was so beautiful. I know I am the biggest whimp but seriously folks, that pain is the most beautiful pain ever. I think what I will do is, excersize more, practice my breathing and practice focusing on things "pain free" and hopefully I will make it a little longer... now, as far as the local goes, I will be getting that. :)

I hope I didn't gross any one out by the paragraph above. Just stating some facts!

take a peek back in time...

Well, I've been posting some "secret" posts for a while now and saving them as a draft for when the time came that Dustin and I were ready to announce it!  We are expecting again!  So here are the dates you need to look for to view Ultrasound pictures and other things!  


11 weeks along

So after several days of spotting I was able to make it to the doctors office to make sure everything was okay!  And it was, "Peanut" is growing and is starting to look more like a little human than a peanut!  Doctor Cobb (my favorite doctor & the doctor that delivered Pressley) said that the baby was just gorgeous!  I will continue to spot due to a large pocket of blood left over from the vanishing twin but not to worry because it is normal & won't hurt Peanut.  We are a few days away from being 12 weeks and 1 week shy of being through our first trimester!  

Here are some of my thoughts on this pregnancy:
1. I'm over it!  HAH!  I was so blessed with Pressley to have a fun & easy pregnancy, and this one is the exact opposite!  The old-wives tale is that the girl will give you more trouble in the womb, well not in my case... I'm pretty certain its a boy... and I think he's got a temper!

2. The leg aches and hip pain has already begun,  yes, its true- last time that didn't start until my 3rd Trimester, but low- and behold they're baccck!  

3.  Prissy's Poopie diapers seem to smell  a little worse lately!  I am not sure if my senses are heightened but blech!

4. I'm already losing my mind!  So as most of you know, I'm not that great with numbers, but its getting worse as of about 2 weeks ago, not only that, I'm acting like a true blonde with some of the comments I make! oh dear- please forgive me I am truly embarrassed! 

5. Lastly, here is a updated picture of our latest.  

My first mothers day...

Yesterday was one of the most sweetest days I've ever had... Dustin got us all up and fed and we got to church on time... it was raining though :(  In lieu, of Mothers Day, they were honoring 5 mothers with red rose corsages.  They all had different "titles" and mine happened to be "the mother with the youngest child" I was so honored to get to stand up in front of the church and be pinned with a beautiful Red rose!  I was giving an opportunity to say something... but being the last lady to say something, all those cheesy things had already been said... except for one.... talking about my mother.  I said how I was so thankful that my mother was such a Godly mother and that she focused on raising us right!  Now that I've got my soap box, maybe I can include those "cheesy" things the other ladies said... :)

It takes many wonderful things to happen in order to be a mother.  First, God has to chose you-  and I'm so glad he chose ME to be Pressley's mother.  I hope that I can totally fulfill Proverbs 31.  Secondly, it takes a mate, Dustin has such a beautiful heart. He's such a hard worker at everything he does, I often sit back and am amazed that God matched me with such a "Go-Getter"... not that I am lazy or lack motivation, but I know God has big plans for us.
Thirdly, it takes a child... mine being a dream, although yesterday, we was everything but a dream, she makes everything better. She IS my cherry on top!

So now that I've been on my soap box for a paragraph, I hope that will do.  My heart is so full of each one of those things that my little blog couldn't hold everything!

Dustin, Pressley and I went to Yoshida's Japanese Restaurant for Mothers Day Dinner ... I knew that some quiet little restaurant wouldn't do with Prissy there so I chose something, loud and entertaining... and thats exactly what it was!  It turns out, that my boss and his family were at our table too!  So we had such a wonderful time during lunch!

After lunch we stopped by Dustin's parents house to say hello and hang out before "dessert" and I recieved my Mothers day gift... Prissy gave me a handfull of "lemon drop" candies... for all those mouth puckering things I put in her mouth, she thought it only be fitting! :)  

Dustin gave me this beautiful silver, pearl & diamond cross necklace.  He wanted me to know that everything that incompasses the cross is what we need to focus on... what a sweetie!

After presents, we went and said hello to "nanno" Dustin's Grandmother... she had a gift for Prissy and wanted to give it to her.  She gave Prissy her very first Bible.  Look at her excitement!

Dancing Peas...

So I was going through some blog posts... and I found this one that I hadn't posted for some reason!  It is Pressley's first taste of peas... she does a little dance that is just too cute.  I also notice the little tiny stage 2 diapers she is wearing... She's getting so big now!

Chance's 5th Birthday!

We got the wonderful opportunity to have Chance on his 5th bday!  Dustin and I wanted to do something real special for him. He had mentioned a while back he wanted a 4 wheeler for his birthday but we thought long and hard and decided that he is still a little young for that and maybe we'll do it for his 6th bday... we'll see.  There is this super neat place in Asheville called "Fun Depot" that we decided we'd go to, it is a Christian company that is sort of like an indoor play-land with bumper cars, minature bowling, putt-putt golf, go- carts, rock climbing, an arcade area, batting cages, lazer tag, and a huge area that is like a McDonalds play land!  So needless to say there was PLENTY TO DO! He had such a great time with his buddies and his family.  Prissy enjoyed all the bows of big brothers presents!  Mimi & Poppy went all out and got him 2 aquatic turtles, Grammy and Papa got him a slip-n-slide and ants in the pants... and we got him several other small gifts and a BIKE!