Can't Remember

Well, If you look back, WAAAAAAAAAAY BACK, you'll find a post from when I was preggers with Pressley about forgetfulness and how it is linked to Pregnancy! But this time I am thinking, I can't remember what I've said and what I haven't said so... If I repeat myself, get over it! :)

I had my 13th week appointment last week, Peanuts heart rate is 150BPM which is 10 BPM less than Presley's was. Terrie (Mid-wife) said that has nothing to do with the sex of the baby so don't even try and consider it! Ha! Everything else looked good, although I am having what the Dr.'s call spotting, its more like a full blown cycle. No Fun! Please pray for me about that! If you look at the last ultrasound, there is a pretty good size bubble of ... the vanishing twin that you can see is in the uterus with Peanut, but it will not effect anything negatively. So we go again around 15.5 weeks and meet with the Mid-wife again to go over, Birthing, Breastfeeding, and other fun items...

Dustin and I were thinking of going ahead and getting a 4-D ultrasound done around the 17/18 week instead of waiting until the 21st week like our Dr's do at Grace. I am really excited to find out what this baby is! Although before I had thought it was a BOY, now I am not sure... my hormones could be all out of whack because of the vanishing twin and thus having the extreme tiredness and nausea. So, maybe we will have another girl... CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

Onto another fun topic, pain meds... should I try again to do natural or should I just get the Epidural the second my feet hit the L&D room? that is something I am struggling with....
Here is what I'm thinking, I would love the rest that the epidural gives you before you get slapped in the face with being up all night with a new born, but at the same time... I just don't know. As painful as birthing was until I got the epidural, it was so beautiful. I know I am the biggest whimp but seriously folks, that pain is the most beautiful pain ever. I think what I will do is, excersize more, practice my breathing and practice focusing on things "pain free" and hopefully I will make it a little longer... now, as far as the local goes, I will be getting that. :)

I hope I didn't gross any one out by the paragraph above. Just stating some facts!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you Jess. I can't wait to find out what this littl bugs name will be. ;) Um,I think you should try out hypnobabies,I have only heard amazing things about it,and you can buy it used for pretty cheap. Just a thought.