Soap Box...

Okay so first off, AT&T is the only phone company in the area... secondly, they are the worst phone service provider ever.

Two weeks ago, our phone line was hit by lightening and didn't work after that, so I contacted them because it is imperative that Dustin have access to a phone at all hours of the night for his job... they told me it would be 1 week before they could get a tech out to repair the line... WHAT THE HECK! 1 WEEK! I was so mad! I told them that if they couldn't get someone to our house before that then they can cancel our service we'd find another means of communications... the lady thanked me and said let me transfer you to customer service where you can cancel your account. OH BOY WAS I GETTING REALLY TICKED OFF! at that point I hung up... called Dustin and tried to vent as much frustration out on him as is humanly possible... So we got our bill... and there are no adjustments for interruption in service... okay so I have to call them... on hold for about 15 minutes to get transferred to repair... only to be told I need to speak to customer service again to get the credit on my account... (um why do I HAVE TO CALL TO GET MY ACCOUNT CREDITED???) either way, I got that handled...Was the money I saved worth the time I spent? not at all...

Then yesterday I begin trying to add a new email account to our work email... hmmm do you think I'm going to have issues? No, you wouldn't think so? It should be simple to add another account... I've done it before... but nope... this time, they've changed the procedure. Does it work? nope! So I try to do an online chat with a representative... but its not any type of chat system... I have to download a application... do you think they offer that application in mac version? Nope, so onto my next option... email... I email them the issue I'm having... do they get back to me? Nope... (my blood is boiling now) so I call them... on hold for 15 minutes again, switched all over the place... back and forth... FINALLY get tech support on the line and guess what... THEY CANT HEAR ME! Well, the thing with that is, our office phones are AT&T too, so they are the ones responsible for that issue... shocker... so I have to hang up with that tech rep... needless to say I am beyond frustrated with this stupid AT&T.


Today I finally made it to my appointment, with the gas shortages, Dustin and I decided that we should just hold off until Henderson County had replenished the fuel situation! :-/ So Braelyn is growing perfectly, she is head down already... which is good... : ) I'd say only about 6 or so more weeks to go!

Here are a few cute pictures I took over the last week... enjoy!

Bah = Bad

Prissy's convo with her daddy! :)

Not too Sure...

Hmmm... well I am not too sure if this is my way of nesting this pregnancy or what... but instead of organizing the house, I have been in quite a bit of a crafty mood... Apple Butter, Hair Bow making... what else! I think I'd like to try my hand at cooking... I found this cook website The Pioneer Woman that has a ton of neat stuff on it! Recipes that look so scrumptious... they've got my mouth watering... the only problem is, I'm not too good in the kitchen! HA! For the last few weeks I have been craving a chocolate pound cake... yesterday it transitioned into a chocolate cheese cake... now its both... a bite of one... then a bite of the other.. oh dear! Here goes that 3rd trimester extra weight gain again if I'm not careful!

I am curious as to what my weight is now (we don't have a scale at home...) I feel like I'm not as massive as I was last pregnancy (this time) and that for 30 weeks, I'm kicking butt in the looking like a whale arena... but we will see! I have a Doctors appointment today-- so maybe if I've not gained too much, I'll treat myself to a WHOLE CHOCOLATE POUND CHEESE CAKE! :) or maybe a pound of chocolate cheese cake...haha!

On a more serious note, Dustin and I have been trying to eat healthIER... for the last 2 weeks I've been eating, brown rice, steamed veggies & baked chicken for lunch... and snacking on boiled egg whites through out the day... I've not had a problem with it until today, I'm eating as I type but my tummy is telling me that it is still hungry... is it my metabolism speeding up? hmmm? Who knows... either way I've been trying my hardest to eat better than I did while I was preggers with Miss Priss...

Wow 30 Weeks...

well, here it is the first day of fall! What more beautiful weather than this! I think it dropped into the 40's last night, and was crisp and cool this morning. I just love it. I'm trying to make our house smell like you're stepping into Martha Stewart's house... or at least how I think hers would smell... pumpkin-y or maybe apples and spices? either way, both of those smells are just scrumptious! I bought some potpourri this weekend and dumped it in a nice jar... but its not potent enough... should I buy more??? Idk! I just want that wonderful fall smell in our house! :)

If I can find the time, I'd like to get some pictures done of Prissy... I will probably do them myself, in the front pasture... it is so pretty and green right now... I bet I could get some good shots... I'll keep you filled in on that and hopefully I'll have a few priceless shots to show ya!

Pressley learned how to blow kisses this weekend! She is just a pure doll when she does it! Her little kiss sound is adorable too!
She also learned how to play peek-a-boo; but hasn't gotten that one down pat yet... She covers one eye up and 1 cheek up... its too cute!

Brae is kicking up a storm these days... Sleeping is still hard... my hips have begun to fall asleep w/i a hour or 2 of falling asleep... what joy! We are 30 weeks now, wow... where did the time go! If I go into labor the same time I did with Pressley-- then I've got about 8 more weeks... shew! We can't wait to see her!

Another exciting thing about fall-- ALL THE TV SHOWS COME BACK ON!

here's how my evenings will go:
Sunday- Desperate Housewives
Monday - Samantha Who
Wednesday- LOST & Private Practice
Thursday - Greys Anatomy


Sweet Things...

Well, once again, I've been hit by the country bug--- I was given a huge amount of apples the other day and was told- Go make apple butter. So, I got the recipe, peeled the apples, cored them and put them in the crock pot to cook over night. I didn't know how much I would actually enjoy doing it, but I really did! The smell of cinnamon, cloves, sugar and apples cooking in your house always make for a welcoming scent! Plus with the weather being a little chilly and rainy, it has made the house very cozy! Last night, I started my second batch of apple butter, and so far it has turned out better than the first batch. Man is it Good!

Another sweet thing I have at my house is our sweet little girl! She is such a dear! Last night, we were playing in the floor and Pressley walked over and grabbed a book out of her toy box, brought it back to me and sat in my lap. It was so sweet to see that she just wanted to spend some quiet time reading with her Mommy! I don't think I'll ever forget that moment as long as I live.

Test Results... & other things

I had my follow up appointment yesterday for my Gluecose tolerance test- all was great!

Pressley's little birthday outfit came in yesterday! IT IS SO CUTE! I can't wait for her to put it on so I can get some pictures!
I'm still needing to find a couple more things to make the whole outfit complete:
1. A hot pink undershirt
2. Hot pink bloomers
3. Shoes

I think I've decided to get her 1 year professional pictures done in this outfit, it is just too stinkin cute not to document!


Gluecose tolerance...

Today was the always enjoyable Gluecose tolerance test... :/

Last year, during my pregnancy with Pressley I took the test and chose the "orange" drink to try... This year, I chose the "Fruit Punch" one. They were both nasty! I will go back tomorrow to get those test results and get my RhoGAM shot.

Braeyln's bassinet came in today! We will have to put it all together now, get her name painted and hung, move furniture out of the house and into the storage building and get the house ready for baby girl #2! Dustin and I talked and talked about middle names... if you've been reading, we were trying to decide between Braelyn NOEL Chapman and Braelyn CHASTAIN Chapman. I LOVED NOEL & didn't care for Chastain too much... but we've come up with another name. This WILL BE our "sweet baby brae's" middle name. MAE. Braelyn Mae Chapman. Both of our Paternal Grandmothers middle names are/were May (Mae)... and I love that name... as does Dustin! SO WE MADE A DECISION! WOOHOOO!

Hope all of you are doing well out there in cyber world! Thanks for reading our blog and caring about our little family!

Top 10 phrases about Pressley

These are thoughts that either Dustin and I have had sometime in the past 11 months.

Here are some thoughts over the last 11 months that Dustin or I have had. (I hope they make sense!)

10. (Jessica) It felt so good to sleep on my tummy last night. (the day after Pressley was born)
9. (Dustin) I can’t wait till we can talk about our day together.
8. (Jessica) Yay for buying everything PINK!
7. (Dustin) We must remember to remove her hairbow from her head when in the car or else she will devour it.
6. (Dustin) Do you think she’ll ever grow out of making that funny swallowing noise when she eats? (she sounds like a turtle does when eating)
5. (Jessica) She has to have a new dress for every holiday EVERY YEAR.
3. (Dustin) Jessica—do you know how blessed we are to have such a sweet & cute little girl... I mean just a cute little girl... :)
2. (Jessica) Now I know how much my mother and Father love me. Wow
1. (Dustin) I think its pretty cool to be in love with 2 women at the same time and neither one cares!

blub blub blub...

okay, the majority of this video is of me "blub-blubbing" but Pressley is very good at it actually! Heres a sneak peak into her skills...