Gluecose tolerance...

Today was the always enjoyable Gluecose tolerance test... :/

Last year, during my pregnancy with Pressley I took the test and chose the "orange" drink to try... This year, I chose the "Fruit Punch" one. They were both nasty! I will go back tomorrow to get those test results and get my RhoGAM shot.

Braeyln's bassinet came in today! We will have to put it all together now, get her name painted and hung, move furniture out of the house and into the storage building and get the house ready for baby girl #2! Dustin and I talked and talked about middle names... if you've been reading, we were trying to decide between Braelyn NOEL Chapman and Braelyn CHASTAIN Chapman. I LOVED NOEL & didn't care for Chastain too much... but we've come up with another name. This WILL BE our "sweet baby brae's" middle name. MAE. Braelyn Mae Chapman. Both of our Paternal Grandmothers middle names are/were May (Mae)... and I love that name... as does Dustin! SO WE MADE A DECISION! WOOHOOO!

Hope all of you are doing well out there in cyber world! Thanks for reading our blog and caring about our little family!