Top 10 phrases about Pressley

These are thoughts that either Dustin and I have had sometime in the past 11 months.

Here are some thoughts over the last 11 months that Dustin or I have had. (I hope they make sense!)

10. (Jessica) It felt so good to sleep on my tummy last night. (the day after Pressley was born)
9. (Dustin) I can’t wait till we can talk about our day together.
8. (Jessica) Yay for buying everything PINK!
7. (Dustin) We must remember to remove her hairbow from her head when in the car or else she will devour it.
6. (Dustin) Do you think she’ll ever grow out of making that funny swallowing noise when she eats? (she sounds like a turtle does when eating)
5. (Jessica) She has to have a new dress for every holiday EVERY YEAR.
3. (Dustin) Jessica—do you know how blessed we are to have such a sweet & cute little girl... I mean just a cute little girl... :)
2. (Jessica) Now I know how much my mother and Father love me. Wow
1. (Dustin) I think its pretty cool to be in love with 2 women at the same time and neither one cares!