a month has passed.

hi everyone,  several of you have emailed me wondering where in the heck I was!  I've been here, but not really.  Its been about a month now since I've been feeling extremely down, highly irritated, super tired, hair falling out... and much much more.  I had done some research on Post Partum Depression and went to see my Dr. about getting on some meds until this all passes.  I had some tests done after an extremely disturbing night and it was brought to light that I was actually experiencing thyroid issues. After getting on some meds to help regulate everything in my life things seem to be going back to normal.  I do get to see the endocrinologist today at 3:15 to start treatment and hopefully get my thyroid fully functioning again. Thanks to Google, I have done some research on this thing called the thyroid... what it does, and how important it is.   I found what's called "postpartum thyroiditis"  that about 10% of all women get after childbirth.  And after 12 months or so it usually goes away on its own...   All in All-- there is help-- and of-course hope that I wont have to face the last month again.  Thanks to all ya'll who keep up with this blog. Keep my family in your prayers.