To: The Father of my Children

Dear Dustin,

As you can see, you are the king of our castle. While pondering what to do for fathers day, many things crossed my mind... if I had about 1 extra empty day a week and maybe an extra $1 million I'd have it covered. But, unfortunately... "it is what it is" :)

Thank you for being such a wonderful Father to my babies (born & unborn) I know with out a doubt that you are the provider that God has said all fathers should be. Your protecting skills go with out saying... un stoppable! Our castle has got the deepest moat, the most ravenous aligators, the highest towers... no one will penetrate it because of the strength you built it with.

Now for the chariot... Chance did want to buy you a new car... :) that of course, didn't happen either. But he did have it in his heart for you to have something nice to go to work (to make money for him to buy more toys with)... and I'm sure Pressley would have wanted to buy you .... mmm maybe some juice or something that you could share with her!

But from me, I'd like to buy you perfection & beauty. Limitless perfection & beauty... So here you go....