Bele Cher...

This weekend was the 30th anniversary of Bele Cher Dustin & I have been in the area for 3 Bele Cher's now, but haven't made it to one until this year! Well, it was an interesting time. Anytime we go to Asheville there are always someone we do a double or triple take at... but this weekend, Asheville was FULL OF QUACKS! Between the goths, hippies, homeless and the Gay Pride... our night was full of never ending entertainment. I guess Asheville is a mecca for the Homosexuals and is advertised in San Fransisco and Mass as a city that is welcome to that type of lifestyle... All that being said... we had our extremely religious people with signs shouting that all sinners are condemned to Hell and the Homo's right in front of them shouting their beliefs. To be honest, it was very sickening... I kind of felt like I was in that 1970's movie A Thief in the Night All in All, we took $40.00 out of the ATM, bought 2 limeades, 2 corn dogs, 1 cheese fry and a candy apple... good eating & good times...