More Details on My Doctors Appointment...

So I didn't have much time to write a detailed blog about our doctors appointment.
Dustin and I met with the ultra-sound tech that did Pressleys ultra sound so it was kind of neat that both our girls had the same technician! :) Anywho- Baby Brae was very active during the ultrasound and it was super neat to see her eat her hands and just move and move in my belly! Like I said in the earlier post, Dustin swore he saw "tools" but it was pretty evident that there were no "tools" to be found! We were both extatic about having another girl, but had yet to pick out a name... The ultra sound tech took lots of pictures for us and we are still peeking at them and just eating up our newest little girl! After the ultrasound we met with the Doctor to discuss the pregnancy and we were introduced to the fact that I am classified as a high risk pregnancy. Since we got pregnant before 8 months after having Pressley, the probablility of me going into Pre-term labor is extremely high. The Dr told both Dustin and I that starting in October I needed to start taking it easy to prevent going into labor. EEEK! That really worries me! :( So, please please please be praying for all of us that we prepare ourselves for whatever God has planned for Baby Brae and her arrival!