lots of teeth...

hmmm. when should a babies Incisor's start coming in? Our poor baby, She has 3 teeth on bottom and 2.5 teeth on top. Her two bottom teeth came in first... those weren't so bad as far as crankiness goes... then her top left came in.... she became a little more of a hand full... and then her top right has begun to poke through and then all of the sudden her top & bottom incisors came through on the same day! Ouch! I couldn't imagine! I'm glad they have tylenol for infants... and oral gel... because she is in some serious pain!

Pressley stood by herself for about 10 seconds last night. She was holding onto my knees and I moved and left her standing there clapping. It was quite exciting... especially for Daddy--- snoorttt snooorrrt! :) haha!

Braelyn has been so active. I honestly don't remember if Pressley was this active at this point in my pregnancy with her. I know she was our tiny dancer during my 3rd trimester but for some reason I don't think I could feel her this much around 22 weeks... I just can't honestly say. Either way- Brae is a big mover!


Momma Lindsay said...

Praise God for Tylenol LOL! I can't even remember when all J's teeth came in,but I know the ones on the top were much worse than the ones on the bottom.