For the last couple of days, our water supply has been getting smaller and smaller... did our well run dry, you ask? No-- if it had then the other houses would be effected too... so maybe its the pump... who knows... either way- last night was our first official night with out running water. No dishes or clothes can be washed (yay for not having to do them...), no showers/baths can be given (yuck)... and the list goes on. So what do you do when you want a cup of coffee so bad you'd kill for it? --- run down to the "crick" and boil ya some!?! ---um, no! Luckily, I had a few water bottles filled up in the fridge to get my caffeine fix for the morning... but man is it a bummer when you don't have water... I never realized how much I relied on it! It is huge! Making a bottle is tough with out it... However, I'm sure Couper enjoyed his fresh spring water! Today, before heading back to the sticks, I'll pick up a few gallons at the grocery store!!-- that should work until we get things working again!

Funny story, I had to get ready at the YMCA today--- shower, hair, make-up... the whole nine yards... boy was that an experience! I have never had to get ready in public place before and there are somethings I learned that I thought I would share with you.

1. Don't forget to pack a towel if you're getting a shower away from home. Yeah, that wasn't too enjoyable, realizing I didn't have a towel
2. Wear your blinders while in the ladies dressing room... those old ladies are relentless when it comes to talking in the showering area--- naked. GAG!
3. If you're planning on blow drying your hair--- don't forget your brush!

All in all, it was a fairly un-eventful trip... I never realized how nice it was to take a shower in a big shower stall with lots of hot water and A GREAT DEAL OF WATER PRESSURE! I think I may sneak back tomorrow just for those things! ... but I'll be prepared with my towel & hairbrush, & make sure that I don't look to friendly while walking into the dressing rooms!