the post with no name...

This morning, Pressley got up a little earlier than normal for a weekend morning... 6:30 a.m. (we've not got up that early on a weekend in a LONG time) Yesterday she slept till almost 9:00 a.m. which was quite nice for us too! But I guess I'm being a little "nostalgic"--- is that the word??? The last year has really flown by... we had a brand new baby this time last year, one that had these tiny cries, and who's diapers were the size of half a piece of bread... who loved to be swaddled tightly and sleep all day long! She has changed so much this first year, looking at her now, sitting in her high-chair eating her dry cheerios it almost makes me want to cry (no, its not the hormonal pregnancy tears... but true tears) Since I am at home, and we only have dial up I can't do it, but I'll add a little slide show of her month by month so you can look back with us and enjoy all her changes too! I didn't fill any one in her first year doctors appointment either! We met with her Dr. last Monday... she wasn't quite sure about him at first but found his pager and cell phone and thought he was pretty cool after that! She is in the 98% for her height. As far as weight goes she was more around the 75%... He told us we could start her on milk... so we tried this week... and her poor little tummy didn't like it at all... I am going to have to call because I am worried that she has a milk allergy like most of us do in this family... He also said that it looks like her molars seem to be about ready to start cutting through. Woopie!

That was about it before the nurse swooped into give her the shots.. :-/ No good! She didn't mind the finger prick, but the three shots she got didn't go so well... poor things!

That's all from here, I'm sure I'll post more through out the week... but as for now. TTYL BFF's! :)